The Director General of the National Institute for Hospitality and Tourism (NIHOTOUR), Alhaji Nura Sani Kangiwa has stressed the importance of staff capacity development as key to the success of any organization in achieving the implementation of its core mandate

Kangiwa who disclosed this while declaring opened a retreat organized for Senior Management staff of the Institute over the weekend in Keffi, Nasarawa state, said it is the best means of charting an Agency’s mission-vision for achieving efficiency and sustaining staff comraderies fundamental to best service delivery.

The Director General who lamented on the abysmal record of achievement of NIHOTOUR in its 28 years of existence to provide skills proficiency, technical upgrading programmes and professional knowledge-based education in the hospitality and travel tourism in the country, said it is regrettable that the Institute failed to actualize its robust mandate.

He emphasized his resolve to make NIHOTOUR the warehouse of knowledge and specialist skills and a foremost enabler of tourism development not only for Nigeria, but in the West African sub region as envisaged by the founding fathers of the Institute, adding that he is fully committed to fulfilling the Institute’s sector-specific mandate.

Kangiwa who railed out his 3-point agenda that include staff welfare, institutional capacity development and sector-specific repositioning said to achieve these, staff attitude of indiscipline in the form of late coming to work, absenteeism, truancy and lack of commitment to work must stop.

‘Repositioning NIHOTOUR as the game changer in moving the Nigeria’s hospitality travel-tourism industry to greater height as the socio-economic hub of the country is a task that we must all strive to achieve’, Kangiwa posited, adding that all resolutions at the end of the retreat will serve as the basis for management’s policies and operations expected to impact on the efficient and effective delivery of the Institute’s mandate.

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